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Top 3 Best Champions to Escape Low Elo in Every Lane



Top 3 Best Champions in League of Legends

Are you look for the best champions to escape the low-elo games you’re stuck in? We’ve gathered the best 3 champions to play in every role if you want to escape Low Elo the Criteria. Our best champions to escape low elo games are as follows;  

  • Easy to Play 
  • Strong in the Meta 
  • Below 10% Ban Rate 

TOP LANE Best Champions 


Nasus Best Champion Build

Nasus got 5 indirect buffs recently, some of them are related to items he builds, and others are related to his abilities, not like he needed any buffs with his insane scaling it doesn’t matter if you win or lose lane you just have to AFK farm your way into late game and become a literal Raid Boss one shoting carries with just one Q best thing you should do to make your life easier is ban Wukong and that’s all enjoy stomping in late game. 


Nasus Best Champ Build 2021


Nasus Counters in League of Legends


Malphire Image for Best Champion

With Frozen Heart’s buff Malphite is now more brain dead than he ever was all you need to do I walk up and Q the enemy in early game and when they are low enough ult them and poof they die, and in late game it’s the same thing it takes is one good ultimate to turn a fight around, best champion to ban is Sylas because if he takes your ultimate then he is a bigger threat on your team. 




This champion is just broken right now in toplane, he is amazing into all toplaners due to his passive which grants him extra armor, he gets super tanky while still dealing insane amounts of damage, he is a top tier skirmisher due to is double knock up, and he is extremely annoying to deal with because of his clone, best champions to ban to make it easier for you are Mordekaiser or Malphite. 




Jungle Best Champions

Xin Zhao

With his simplistic kit, early gank threat and the ability to snowball the game after getting an early lead Xin Zhao is the best pick if you want to climb and or if you want to try jungle role. 




Warwick is also a very beginner friendly jungler with which clearing the jungle is a like a walk in the parc his sustain permits you to make a full clear while still being at full health without the need to kite monsters which makes your clears faster and enables you to even go for a gank if you see the opportunity for it. 




Fiddlesticks has the strongest team fighting tool which is his ultimate, his game recipe is simple all you have to do is wait until your ultimate is up, go for a gank, rinse and repeat until the game is over. 



Mid Lane Best Champion


Diana is a champion which possesses both the attributes of an Assassin and a Fighter with the meta more in favor of Assassin midlaners Diana is a very solid pick currently, not only does she have that oneshoting potential of an Assassin she also has that consistent DPS you need in team fights.  





Annie is a very easy champion to play if you want to focus on macro instead of mechanics, because her kit is very simple all you need to do is secure vision, charge up your passive’s stun and flash Tibbers an opponent and they are almost guaranteed to die. 




Simple champion but very annoying and frustrating to play against, your game plan is to perma shove waves and play around your ultimate cooldown and jungler, whenever your ultimate is up spam ping your jungler to come for a free kill. 



BOT LANE Best Champions

  1. Veigar

Veigar works well in bot lane because he is weak in early game and needs time to scale, in bot lane he is given that time and potential for faster growth, even if you are not doing very well early focus on farming and last hitting minions with your Q, pair up with a support that also has a stun for a bigger threat and easy gank set up. 



  1. Sivir

Lethality Sivir is broken, all you have to do is spam your Q and you’ll see their health bars disappear, your E is amazing because it allows you to survive most ganks by blocking incoming cc, or just makes enemies not waste their cc on you and just don’t focus you at all or until they see you use it. 




  1. Miss Fortune: 

The Annie of bot lane, simple gameplay, a lane bully, enemies cannot hide behind minions because of the threat of your Q and if you have a support that has a grab or hook then they are in a dilemma, in late game all you have to do is land a good ultimate and enjoy the show of your enemies melting. 



Support Best Champions

  1. Zyra

Zyra got buffed recently as if she needed any buffs, she is a midlaner disguised as a support, because of her insane damage that catches enemies off guard she can even 1 versus 1 the ADC, and in late game she is as annoying to play against as Morgana or even more annoying. 



  1. Brand
Brand Best Champions

Same concept as Zyra, as in they are both midlaners, poke the enemies to death and use your AOE spells to bully them out of lane, and fight when your ultimate is up. 



  1. Leona
Leona Best Champions

Leona is all about that level 2 all in, that helps you get a huge lead if executed correctly, in late game your job is to control vision and land your cc on the enemy’s carry. 




What are the Best Champions in League of Legends


Overall, we hope that you’ve found the best champion in your lane for low elo. We hope that this guide has helped you and been useful to help you get out of that low-elo game you’ve been stuck in for so long!

Be sure to check our Twitter for more guides daily, as we’re uploading new content each day for you’re viewing pleasure! Thanks for reading today!

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