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Dendrobium | Genshin Impact Wiki



Dendrobium is a Local Specialty that can only be found in Inazuma’s Kannazuka and Yashiori Islands, this materials can be used to ascend the four star character Kujo Sara, and to make Redrot Bait there can only be a total number of 55 Dendrobium on the map at one time, and once you collect one of them you will need to wait 2 days for them to respawn again.

Dendrobium Information




Respawn Time

Local Speciality


Every 2 Days


A vibrant plant that has also been named the "lycoris" by the poets. It was once thought extinct in the Inazuman archipelago, only to re-emerge now upon the battlefields. It is said that it blooms most enchantingly where much blood was spilled.

Best Location

Kannazuka and Yashiori Island

Characters that use Dendrobium for Ascension

Characters That use Dendrobium for Ascension


Kujo Sara

1st Ascension:   3  Dendrobium

2nd Ascension: 10 Dendrobium
3rd Ascension:  20 Dendrobium
4th Ascension:  30 Dendrobium
5th Ascension:  45 Dendrobium
6th Ascension:  60 Dendrobium

Total= 168 Dendrobium

Items that can be crafted using Dendrobium

Dendrobium Crafts



Redrot Bait x10

Redrot Bait is used in Fishing. It can be used to catch Sticklebacks and its variants.

x1 Dendrobium
x1 Fowl

Dendrobium Map Location

You can find this map by going to Teyvat Interactive Map website and search for all the materials you need, note that once you farm one of these Dendrobiums you will need to wait 2 days for it to respawn again.

How it looks like in the World before you collect it


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